
We Want to Hear from You!

At OnAirScore, we strive to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date live scores and sports information. However, we know there’s always room for improvement and we’d love to hear from you!

  1. Found an Interesting Live Score Site?
    If you’ve come across a live score website that you think should be featured on our pages but isn’t, please let us know! We’re always looking to expand our coverage and provide our users with the best possible resources.
  2. Encountered a Broken Link?
    Our goal is to keep our site as accurate and user-friendly as possible. If you’ve stumbled upon a link that isn’t working, we’d greatly appreciate it if you could alert us. This way, we can fix it promptly and keep our site running smoothly.
  3. Have Something to Say or an Idea for Collaboration?
    Whether you have feedback, suggestions, or are interested in collaborating with us, we’re all ears. We value your input and are always looking for ways to improve and create meaningful partnerships.

Get in Touch!

Feel free to reach out to us with any comments, suggestions, or inquiries you might have. Your feedback is crucial in helping us serve you better.

📧 Email: jan(@)